Plugin Options

The plugin added to vite.config.js accepts some options to let you configure Rollup or ESBuild behavior. TypeScript should be available in the plugin to help you autocomplete the options.

Client build

Pass any Vite config options to the plugin in options.client property.

SSR build

Pass any Vite config options to the plugin in options.ssr property.

Backend functions build

The backend functions are built using Vite but only a subset of the options applies. From the Vite config options, any of the following are available in the options.functions property: build.rollupOptions, build.commonjsOptions, build.minify,, build.terserOptions, esbuild, define, json, plugins, resolve.

Worker script build

If you choose to build the worker script using ESBuild instead of Webpack, options can be passed to the plugin in the options.worker property.

Most of the ESBuild options are available, except some that would affect internal behavior.

Exclude components from SSR build

options.excludeSsrComponents: Regex[]: any component file that matches this option will be excluded from the SSR build. This can be useful for leaving out non-isomorphic components that crash during SSR, or to simply make the bundle smaller for CFW constraints.

Note: this works by mocking the default export of each component. Named exports won't be mocked and might break your app if you use them.

Container ID

By default, <div id="app"></div> must be included in index.html and is where the rendered HTML will be injected. Specify options.containerId: string to change the ID of the container element. Note that the element should still be a div.