In situations where you want to consume your deployed resources from a different domain, you might find issues related to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

Vitedge exports utilities to handle CORS:

import { handleEvent, cors } from 'vitedge/worker'

addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
      // These are the default values so the whole object is optional.
        origin: '*',
        methods: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
        headers: ['*'],
        expose: '',
        maxage: '600',
        credentials: false,

This will add CORS headers to every response. For more granular control, use the lifecycle hooks:

import { handleEvent, cors } from 'vitedge/worker'

addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
  if (event.request.method === 'OPTIONS') {
    return event.respondWith(cors({ origin: '*' }))

    handleEvent(event, {
      didRequestApi({ response }) {
        return cors(response, { origin: '*' })

The example above will only apply CORS to API requests and preflight requests. Rendering, static asset serving or page props requests won't include the CORS headers.