Custom Rendering (aka Bring Your Own View Library)

Vitedge provides renderers for Vue and React out of the box so you don't need to even care about how these libraries run SSR internally. However, for other view libraries or even Vanilla JS, Vitedge exposes its rendering core (vitedge/core), which gives you lower level building blocks to bring your own rendering logic.

The following is an example with Vanilla JS. It uses a custom server router powered by Vite's import.meta.globaEager. Having a router is optional, it could be just 1 page instead. Otherwise, you could use your view library's router (e.g. react-router-dom, vue-router) or a framework-agnostic router such as Curi.

// -- src/entry-server.js
import vitedge from 'vitedge/core/entry-server'

// These are pages following a custom format:
const pageModules = import.meta.globEager('./pages/**/*.js')

// Simple server-only router (i.e. this is not an SPA!):
const serverRouter = new Map()
for (const [path, page] of Object.entries(pageModules)) {
  serverRouter.set(path.replace('./pages', '').replace('.js', ''), page.default)

export default vitedge(
  // Optional route resolver to call Page Props.
  // If this returns `true`, the Page Props Handler `<root>/props/<pathname>.js`
  // will be called before entering this route.
  // You can also return `{ name: 'props-handler-name' }` instead
  // to call `<root>/props/props-handler-name.js`.
  (url) => serverRouter.has(url.pathname),
  // Main hook
  async (context) => {
    const { initialState, url, redirect } = context

    // This will be available in the browser during hydration
    initialState.messageFromServer = 'Hello world!'

    // Example of server redirection:
    if (url.pathname === '/redirect-test') {
      return redirect('/', 302)

    // Example of routing:
    const page = serverRouter.get(url.pathname)
    if (page) {
      return page(context)

    return {
      headTags: `<title>Not found</title>`,
      body: `<h1>Route not found</h1>`,
// -- src/pages/about.js

export default function (context) {
  // Any page logic here.
  // Simply return headTags, htmlAttrs, bodyAttrs and body strings.
  return {
    headTags: '<title>About</title>',
    body: `
      <h1>About page</h1>
      <div>This is the initial state from the server:</div>
// -- src/entry-client.js
import vitedge from 'vitedge/core/entry-client'

export default vitedge((context) => {
  const { initialState } = context

  // Hydrate page if necessary
  const title = document.querySelector('h1')
  if (title) {
    title.innerText = title.innerText + ` hydrated!`

Make sure your index.html imports src/entry-client.js, and that you pass --ssr src/entry-server.js to your Vitedge CLI commands.

See a full example using Vanilla JS. For examples with view libraries, check how Vue and React renderers are implemented in Vite SSR.