Handle Event Options

Currently this is not available in development, only in production or preview modes

When running in production or preview mode, Vitedge's handleEvent function accepts the following options.

Request Lifecycle

Only available when deploying to Cloudflare Workers

Vitedge provides a set of lifecycle hooks that can be used to modify requests or add logs.

import { handleEvent } from 'vitedge/worker'

addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
  try {
      handleEvent(event, {
        willRequestApi({ url, query }) {
          console.log('API:', url.pathname, query)
        didRequestRender({ response }) {
          if (response.status >= 300 && response.status < 400) {
            console.log('Page redirect:', response.headers.get('location'))
  } catch (error) {
      new Response(error.message || error.toString(), {
        status: 500,

This is the list of the available lifecycle hooks:

  • willRequestAsset: Called before an asset is retrieved from KV. Receive { event } in the arguments.
  • didRequestAsset: Called after an asset is retrieved from KV. Receive { event response } in the arguments. It can modify the response.
  • willRequestApi: Called before an API handler runs. Receive { event, url, query } in the arguments.
  • didRequestApi: Called after an API handler returns. Receive { event, url, query, response } in the arguments. It can modify the repsonse.
  • willRequestProps: Called before a Page Props handler runs. Receive { event, url, query } in the arguments.
  • didRequestProps: Called after a Page Props handler returns. Receive { event, url, query, response } in the arguments. It can modify the response.
  • willRequestRender: Called before a page is rendered. Receive { event } in the arguments.
  • didRequestRender: Called after a page is rendered. Receive { event response } in the arguments. It can modify the response.

Skip SSR

The option skipSSR: boolean allows to skip the rendering for certain routes and simply return the naked index.html to fallback to a simple SPA. For example, the following would behave as an SPA for any route that includes /admin/.

handleEvent(event, {
  skipSSR: event.request.url.includes('/admin/')

Global Cache Option

If you have same caching policy for different pages it is possible to define default cache configuration globally as follows.

handleEvent(event, {
  cache: { html:<number>, api: <number> }

Refer to caching section for moore details.

HTTP2 Server Push

Thanks to HTTP/2 Server Push it is possible to push certain assets to the browser in parallel to the current request to avoid waterfall requests. The http2ServerPush: Array<'script' | 'style'> option allows selecting which assets are pushed.

handleEvent(event, {
  http2ServerPush: {
    destinations: ['style'],

This will populate the Link header, which is then used by the browser to preload the assets.

Note: Behavior might differ depending on the browser.